Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Benefits and ROI of UX Design

This article is originally shared on – https://www.yujdesigns.com/benefits-roi-ux-design/

If design is not the center of your business, you are possibly missing out on opportunities to flourish in the digital age. Businesses are so much focused on their marketing outcomes that they overlook design in the haste of getting better ROI. Whereas, design should be a core piece of your business since it gives a competitive edge.

Traditionally, design was about beauty and aesthetics, but for the past few decades, design has taken a fabulous twist. Today, it is not only about making products look beautiful, but also about providing experience of interacting with the products. Businesses are continuously struggling to find ways to survive in the cutthroat competition and to have an edge over their competitors. Whether it is a website, application or any product, design creates a delightful and smooth experience for the user. Such seamless and fulfilling user experience is important for businesses since it helps in satisfying customers by offering enhanced usability and delightful interaction with the product. The improved customer satisfaction through design helps in attracting and retaining customers and selling a large number of products thereby giving competitive and profitable advantage.

Need help to take your business to the next level?
Design principles are so fascinating that they are being used as guiding points for transforming businesses. As a result, a term ‘business design’ is popped up, which is about applying design thinking to the businesses. Though design approach is quite significant, all companies are not embracing it. However, design works for every type of business.

To define exactly why design is a good business decision, we have a list of proven reasons. If you agree, leave your thoughts in the Comments Section!
  • Business statistics

Out of $1 trillion spent last year, $150 billion is lost alone because of poor usability or user experience. $300 billion is the cost of poor customer service in 16 key economies. 8-year stock performance of companies focusing on experience has been more than 100%. The chances of customers recommending your product, paying more for your product or not switching to your competitors’ products increases dramatically if you focus on customer experience and user experience. DMI’s Design Value Index (DVI) has surpassed any other index by whopping 219%. A study by the UK Council and US Council has revealed that every dollar invested in design returns upto $100. These are real statistics by real people and real organisations that tell you the importance of having design or working with design teams.
  • Enhances User Experience
In today’s world, user experience is a differentiating factor and design plays a significant role in offering an engaging experience to users. A good design engages your users and since they are happy with the experience you are offering, they less likely switch to your competitors. As per a CEI survey, 86% of the customers pay more for a better user experience. So, designing user experience considering end user can make a huge impact to the bottom line of a business.
  • Attracts new customers and retains existing ones
A good design does not only mean the look or appearance of the product, it is about solving problems and enhancing its usability and accessibility. It provides your users a direct and easy way to the product information that they are looking for. Design helps you expand into new markets probably by designing the product according to the preferences of your target market. Along with acquiring new customers, a fresh design keeps your existing customers interested and help you contend with your competitors.
  • Strong Customer Trust
Generally, digital products fail because modern users are not ready to labor through unpleasant user experiences. Users know that there are several other competitors willing to satisfy them. A design offering delightful experience creates positive perception of your brand that creates strong customer trust. Businesses providing high-level user experience are more likely to have customers recommending their brand to others. So, a design that creates a pleasant and seamless user experience gives you a power to have an edge over your competitors.
  • Adds Value to Products
Effective design gives your users a reason to buy from you rather than from your competitors. It is an important source of differentiation since a well-designed product stands out from the competition. Design adds value to products because users are ready to pay more for well-designed products that can offer higher usability, improved functionality and aesthetics.

  • Improves market position
Design process generate new product ideas, which then can be turned into innovative and competitive products suitable for your users. It also helps in making business processes more effective and in strengthening marketing approach. Design creates a strong identity for your business and improves your market position relative to your competitors.

About Us:
YUJ Designs is one of the top UX Design companies in India. Our work ensures both, a delightful product experience and a positive impact on customer's top line.

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